• Rigoletto
  • Il Trovatore
  • La Traviata​

Young singers will participate in a 3-month training that includes a complete immersion, and also 6 masterclasses and a competition-show.

The singer plays a character with his psychological peculiarities, his physical peculiarities, his own way of interacting with other characters, and above all of telling a story. The performance of the modern lyrical artist is not limited to singing or virtuosity, but must offer to the viewer a clear vision of the dramaturgical scene by giving him emotion and food for thought.
Studying libretto helps to understand the intentions of the authors and the endless possibilities of interpretation. Reading text according to its metric structure allows to center the character in his theatrical truth.
A very important aspect of our study program is the correct pronunciation of the language in which we sing. If an artist cannot perfectly understand the grammar of the language in which he is singing, the pronunciation must be perfect.
The voice is the first tool that humans have learned to use. The singer expresses himself through the voice. Technical training is the foundation of the singing profession. A vocal coach will follow the development and offer to each of the students specific exercises for the chosen roles.
One of the most important things to learn is the physiological knowledge of the phonatory instrument. This is a must for having the opportunity to perfect the voice and keep it at its best. Functioning, hygiene, main pathologies, diet, will be the subject of the courses given by phonologists and otolaryngologists. Mastery of the phonatory system (mouth, larynx, pharynx, respiratory system) is the goal of the technique. The study of the larynx, lungs, and diaphragm helps to realize the potential of the vocal instrument.

In modern opera, one of the most important problems for artists is to act as actors.

Preparation will focus on the following aspects of theater school:

  • the ability to build an effective role line,
  • understanding the action as a unique psychophysical process,
  • he continuity of the scenic action,
  • understanding the goals and objectives of each fragment of their role in relation to the psychology of the character as well as that of the other
    main characters in an opera
  • the ability to immerse oneself in the role and have a cathartic experience.

After an initial preparation period of six weeks, the competition will take place to determine the best cast. Young artists will have to prepare a major role from the operas La Traviata, Rigoletto and Il Trovatore. Large extracts from these operas will be presented to the public and professionals of the opera art.The peculiarity of this competition lies not only in the preparation of a full role, but also in the teamwork as the entire cast will also be judged.The young singers will participate in a public concert every week, in six concerts in total. During this period they will continue the daily preparation with Masters, musical director, their vocal coach, director, in order to present the work of young performers to the professional world. Artistic directors of opera, Opera managers, conductors, directors and journalists of the specialized media will be invited to the concerts.

5 concerts accompanied by piano and the final concert accompanied by orchestra (confirmation of the orchestra 20 July) 


The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Cultural Center, located in Brussels in the municipality of Forest, rue du Croissant 68, will host the MIR OPERA project.

The Uccle Cultural Center, located in Brussels in the municipality of Uccle, rue Rouge 47, will host one of the planned concerts.

Istituto Italiano di Cultura 
Rue de Livourne 38, 1000 Bruxelles